May 14, 2024
Local News

Second Democrat declares for 14th congressional race

GENEVA – A second hopeful – John J. Hosta of Spring Grove – has announced he will seek the Democratic nomination in the March 18 primary for the 14th Congressional District, the seat currently held by U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren, R-Winfield.

Hosta, 55, a small business owner who makes custom bedding for interior designers, said he will kick off his campaign at 7 p.m. Nov. 22 in the Kane County Government Center, Building A, 719 S. Batavia Ave., Geneva.

“I’m a conservative Democrat,” Hosta said.

In deciding this platform for seeking office, Hosta said he compiled a list of what he thinks is important and vital to people in the district.

“ I feel I am not a hard-right liner and not hard liberal,” Hosta said. “I’m a moderate.”

His platform is to bring industry back to the United States with tax incentives. Hosta said the nation has lost 30 percent of its manufacturing jobs, directly related to imports in the last 12 years.

“I believe that the founding fathers of our country were dedicated to U.S. companies, protecting U.S. industries through tariffs,” Hosta said. “Since World War II, we have fallen away from that. Companies seek what is most profitable for them and move abroad. ... I think that is very anti-American. The cry of the American people is for them to be faithful to this country and bring industries back.”

Hosta also supports protections for Social Security and welfare, and said unemployment and food stamp programs need to be reviewed and strengthened –  not cut.

“The elderly are scared, extremely concerned that benefits will be cut or have to be cut,” Hosta said. “And people on disability – you can’t just turn your back on them. As a society, we are obligated to these people.”

Hosta is the second Democrat to declare for the primary, following Dennis Anderson of Gurnee. Anderson lost to incumbent Hultgren two years ago but announced in August that he would seek the Democratic nomination again. Hultgren announced in September his intention to seek re-election.

The 14th District includes seven suburban counties – Kane, DuPage, DeKalb, Will, McHenry, Lake and Kendall.